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How to add your moorage to OnBuoy

Sharing your moorage with fellow boaters is easy. Follow the steps below and you'll be helping the environment and offsetting your maintenance costs in no time.

Add your moorage now
How to create an account on OnBuoy.com

1. Create an account

Create a new OnBuoy account or login with your existing account.

Steps to add your moorage on OnBuoy.com

2. Select "+ Add your moorage" from the top menu

Enter details about your moorage including a description, the location (lat/long), photos, restrictions for use, and the availability.

Steps to enter your payout details on OnBuoy.com

3. Enter your payout details

When prompted, enter the details for how you’d like to receive the funds you earn from hosting.

Publish your moorage on OnBuoy.com

4. Publish your listing

Post your moorage for others to find and reserve.

Add your moorage now